Today Kentucky Fried Chicken will give you a piece of their new un-fried chicken for free! And it looks pretty good. I just realized this grilled chicken is probably not skinless, so it's not exactly guilit-free, but that's also probably not gonna stop me from trying it;)
First things first, does anyone remember the show 3-2-1 Contact? It was a science type show that I just vaguely remembered as I was typing in the title. A quick Google search turned up a few things to jog my memory, including a Wikipedia page and the video above- enjoy:)
Anyway, contacts are the subject of my post. I just ordered a two-year supply from for both myself and Ryan. We just had eye appointments at the Target optical inside Super Target recently and were due for some new lenses. [Note: Target is one of the cheapest places to get a contact lense exam around here ($79); even cheaper than Wal-Mart ($80). If you mention you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Nebraska insurance, you get 10% off regardless of whether or not you have vision coverage ($79-10%= $71.10). Shopko is another good choice at about the $80 range as well.]
After some rigmorale, including me trying 3 different brands of contacts, I had a prescription for contacts that were $22/box at Target. Ryan's cost about the same. Online these contacts cost $15.20/box with free shipping. I figure we're saving about $133.44 by ordering online instead of in-store!
Here's a link to an Oreo coupon for $1.50 off! At Super Saver (where this coupon is from), Oreos are $2.76 - $1.50 = $1.26. The coupon expires April 21st. You can use for regular Oreos, double-stuff, or the spring oreos with yellow filling:)
Ryan is an avid Penny Picker-upper. So I'm thinking he'll like this stunt from CiCi's: today they're distributing pennies within a 2 mile radius of their resturants that have a coupon-sticker attached. The coupons are for free buffets, free drinks, stuff like that. I saw a commerical about it this morning...check their website for more info.